<meta charset="UTF-8"><span>Growing up, I was sexually abused, physically abused, and always emotionally abused until I cut ties at 39 years old because they refused to work towards being healthy. They wanted to completely destroy me while I was fighting to not die like always. I was left fighting for my life due to medical negligence. I have had issues from birth but my parents like everything normalised things and diagnosed me themselves and let me suffer always shutting me down. I grew up thinking I was so weak because everything else goes through this why can’t I. Then slowly realising it wasn’t normal and knowing how incredibly strong I actually am. I tried to break my story down as it’s a big one. But I bought the band that says my life matters. I would love to be able to help others. I know I’m one of so many that has been let down cruelly by so many that were supposed to protect them and treat them.</span>