<span>For my whole life I have struggled with Bi Polar Disorder, Anxiety, and PTSD. Needless to say my life hasn't been easy. I was a shy kid, didn't have any friends throughout my school career and always stayed to myself. As an adult its been even harder, the loneliness lead me to do things I'm not proud of, and even though the scars on the outside have healed, the ones on the inside are still fresh. I still don't have friends, and keep to myself, but when I found this strap, an imperial, it kind of made me feel whole. It was like I finally had a connection with people knowing that I'm not the only one dealing with this stuff. I wear these when I need that extra push to just get out of bed. They make me smile when I see them on my wrist. Even though I am alone in my life and a total outsider, these make me feel like I'm not, and that means more than anything most days.</span>