<span>Recovery means a lot of different things to people. My recovery strap came into my life when I was at a very low point struggling with my diabetes. I had for many years done a good job managing it. But, with my own aging and my husband's chronic illness, I was losing that daily battle, big time. The ad for Zox just popped up one day on my news feed. I am an artist myself, and loved the idea of an every-day art piece on my wrist with a secret message inside. Plus, I knew I had to do something about my own downward diabetes spiral. The strap is such a little thing, but it has inspired me to stay strong with my food choices, get a new and better doctor, and work out every day no matter how much I do not want to. It is a reminder right there on my wrist that I have that moment in time to do well for myself. I bought the strap a few months ago, and I've stayed strong every day. My blood sugars are all normal numbers now. My "recovery" strap was a real part of my own recovery. Thanks to the artist and Zox for the silent reminder to stay strong. I've given away many straps over the last few months that have a private and significant meaning to my friends and family. It makes a wonderful gift, it is a small thing that says, "I understand" in a big way.</span>