<span>Honesty, it's been a rough year. A year of firsts as a lot of people would say. I lost my brother last year, May 2018, due to a drunk driver driving northbound in a southbound lane on the highway. My brother's pregnant wife was in the car with him and by some miracle his wife and the baby survived. My brother was a police officer and his fellow officers showed so much compassion to my family, we were speechless and touched. I had hoped for a strap like this to wear proudly in support of those who see the worst, but want justice to prevail. My brother was my superhero. He stood for equality and justice ever since I can remember. He was a jock who stood up for those who were bullied and took a young man with down syndrome to one of his high school dances. He loved people without prejudice and continued to show that love by becoming an officer. What ever my brother may have feared, he would eventually make fear quake. I bought this strap for not only me, but also members of my family to keep his memory alive and to remember that we can also make fear quake, love people without prejudice, and stand for equality and justice.</span>