<span>Since January 2, 2020, my life was a downward spiral. I spent my New Years' in a mental facility for attempted suicide. I was in an abusive relationship with a five-year-old and a brand new baby. I was not only dealing with postpartum depression, but I also discovered I have a borderline personality disorder and C-PTSD from the mental, emotional, and verbal abuse I endorsed for 8 years. I had given up. I was done. I no longer believed that I had a reason to be here, and no matter what I did, it was NEVER good enough. That's when one of my friends asked me for my address. I wasn't sure why but she said to just trust her. So I did. In the package she sent me were two thoughtful wristbands and cards. I cried so hard that day when I saw these bracelets. I knew that I was never going to be perfect, but I was going to make progress. And that was enough. I have the cards on my visor in my car where I will see them constantly. Now anytime I am feeling down or like I am not good enough, I remind myself I am everything, and I only need to progress, not be perfect.</span>