<span>I had a massive heart attack in December 2020. I went to the ER thinking I had covid. The doctor ran a few tests and came back and told me I was having the widow maker. The next day, I was taken to the cath lab. After waking up, I was told I needed a triple bypass. I was taken to the OR the next day when I woke up I found out that I needed a quadruple bypass. Later that day I had to be reintabated. I spent two weeks in the hospital. Not only did I have the heart attack but my right lung partially collapsed. I have two young children prior to going into the o.r. I made a good by video. Never in my mind did I think at 42 would this be happening to me. I served 7 years in the Army and have worked corrections for 17 yrs and I have never been more scared in my life. I read the messages written to me weekly. I look at my wife and kids thinking I almost made a widow of my wife and my two daughters growing up without me.</span>