<span>Zox has been a part of my life for roughly 4 years now. I am constantly looking at new ones to order to express myself! When I cam across the Never Give Up Imperial Strap, I knew I HAD to have it. You see, my husband and I have struggled with infertility for over 3 years now. For over a year now, we have seen a fertility specialist to try and help us have a baby and start a family. It is a constant struggle between the intense want to start a family, and the overwhelming expense of fertility treatments. Most insurance companies don't cover fertility treatments due to the fact that is it "not necessary" or "life threatening" if you don't have a baby. Endometriosis is like an "invisible disease." No one can see the pain you're in, you just go about your day in constant pain and no one knows. I've even had to leave work once because the pain was too much to handle. I'm sharing my story, because infertility doesn't get much awareness. Most people have no idea the emotional, mental, and physical pain and how draining it really can be. Some days are better than others. You try not to dwell on it, or be stressed about it. However, it's very difficult to NOT think of the one thing you truly want. Also, shout out to my husband who has been there for every poke, prod, and cry session I've had. Between blood draws, ultrasounds, and constant doctor's visits, he has been there for every single step. The men don't always get enough credit for how hard it must be for them as well. Thank you for listening.</span>