This is the first strap that I ever purchased. And I didn't even buy it for myself. My baby brother had a few rough years and was finally getting his life together when I was scrolling through Facebook and this ad pops up. Of course I click on it (can't help myself) and my world was changed forever. So I looked through the site and ordered quite a few because "ohh that would fit my sister great or my mom would love that". They finally arrived and I had so much fun packing them up and sending them to all my family and friends. Imagine to my surprise, that 2 weeks later I recieve a black bubble mailer in my mailbox with no return address I've ever seen. I opened it up and found the most beautiful Zox I had ever seen. My Story isn't Finished... the same Zox I had bought my brother... he too had been surfing Facebook when an ad popped up and he went to the site and and saw this strap and knew it would fit my life and what was happening in it and had to get it for me. It is still my most favorite strap. Not the black stars or collection straps but this old, warped, stained strap that my baby brother picked out just forfor me. That he thought so much of me that he bought me this... that's the strap I wouldn't sell for any amount of money. My Story Isn't Finished