<span>As a woman in her 20's trying to find her purpose in life, I go through many failures through trying new things that I believe I can be financially successful in doing. Trying new things, along with the typical struggles of daily life can be super stressful and overwhelming. Add that on top of health issues and my mind is overloaded and I get panic attacks more times than I would like to admit. At times like this, I would turn to my boyfriend for comfort and the first thing he would tell me to do is to "breathe." I was so relieved to find that that simple piece of advice made a world full of difference. To remind myself to breathe, I bought the "just breathe" zox wristband and wear it often. It's actually the very first zox I've ever bought! So now when I wear the wristband, I take the time to just breathe and am reminded of my boyfriend's comforting advice.</span>