<meta charset="utf-8"><span>I purchased the "Balance" strap for my twin sister. She is a single mom and her son's father hasn't been in their lives (physically or financially) for over 10 years now. She has been mother and father to him all of these years. She has done it ALL on a teacher's salary and with the most amazing strength and resilience. She has put her whole self into raising him, heart and soul, and he has grown into the most caring, compassionate, funny, resourceful, smart and loving man because of her effort. He just turned 18 and he is graduating from high school this year. It's been simultaneously pure pleasure and acute pain for her to experience all of these "lasts" with him this year. My sister and I are identical twins and what she feels, I also feel. So I know how hard it's been for her. When I found the "Balance" strap I HAD to have it for her. When it came in I took it to her and we both had a good cry from the stark truth of the words associated with the strap. She wears it all of the time as a reminder to savor all of the good things and to try and leave the "bad" things behind.</span>