<meta charset="UTF-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">I’m not really sure how ZOX does this, but today in my mystery pack I received Always With You. To say this couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time is an understatement. 5 years ago today was the last day my dad was at home. He was admitted to the hospital with sepsis and succumbed on Halloween. This reminder that he is always with me made me tear up. It’s not the first time this has happened. And receiving a mystery pack, well, you don’t know what you are going to get. So how did ZOX know that this should have arrived to me today? It put me in tears, not of sadness, but reminding me that my dad is always with me, in my heart and soul. Thank you zox. You are truly special in a way that words can’t describe. My life is better since I discovered you!</span>