My husband suffers from clinical depression, which was exacerbated by a medication he'd been on for 15 years (been off it for going on 3 years, but the side effects have been permanent). He's not a wrist-jewelry wearer (barely wears the watch he bought himself for our wedding), so when I asked him if he'd wear a ZOX, he kinda just gave me this "really?" look. I bought us both the Us Against the World straps and gave him his. Told him to read the card first. He teared up since the "You and me - we got this" has been our thing since he was diagnosed. When he saw the inside, he cried...and he's only taken if off when he showers and sleeps. I try to remind him that no matter what, I'm at his side. His ZOX is a tangible reminder for him. :) <3 - Stephanie S. Us Against The World