<span>I have a story...I am a survivor of 13 years of domestic violence. I’m a woman who believes that my two daughters deserve to see life as it is...good, like the life I had growing up, with amazing parents that were partners, where us kids were able to explore, investigate and cherish the world and were taught to appreciate the little things and the love we had. Not a life of put downs, betrayals, lies and domestic violence...be it sexual, verbal, or physical. I stood by my husband while we lost our home, while he went into rehab and as usual blamed me for everything bad in his life including his childhood! I, however was in it until death do us part, but...I was losing myself and who I was, and in the mean time our daughters were watching this life that was no good and thinking that it was normal. It was not! I looked at my girls more recently and thought “enough!” I grabbed all my courage, whatever I could carry and left and have not looked back. It has been hard, but it can’t rain all the time, the sun shines for me a bit more everyday. I am strong, I am a role model and I am now free. So THIS IS ME, a mother and father, a caretaker, a provider, a shoulder, a bringer of joy and happiness to my girls, and a strong and free woman who loves my life...my good and simple life that is perfect where my daughters smile everyday! Thanks for reading my story. Maybe there’s another strong woman out there that needs to grab hold of her courage and make her life good again too. </span>