<span>The You Are Enough strap has been a wonderful reminder as I have been torn down in so many different ways either by peers, family, and those I've had a closer relationships with, which was very difficult. It led me to self-loathing, and has driven me to isolation for a long period of time. But throughout it all, I've somehow managed to move forward, seek help, make friends, reconnect with others, start loving myself, believe I'm enough and deserve so much more. I've been wearing it ever since I received it in the mail, and it's been helping me push through my current hardships by reminding me that the only person I need to be enough for is myself. The fact that I still somehow move forward and try making myself a better person than who I was the day before is great. Looking back at my life a 1-2 years ago, I have definitely improved, which is something my parents never noticed, but I did. It's been quite a difficult journey, but I'm so proud that I continue on through it all. I'm far from perfect, but I am enough.</span>