<span>I found Zox on Facebook and my first wish was for the fear “Fear Not” band. This caught my eye right away as I am a Christian and the Bible tells us many times to fear not. If we have faith we can overcome the many obstacles of life. My husband bought it for me for Christmas and I wear it proudly every day. I am a survivor of abuse and a dysfunctional family. I prayed to God and he brought me my husband and his wonderful family. Everyone has had tragedies in life but fear not. You are not alone. I love the whole Zox story about family and the artists and giving back with clean water. I wish more companies had these values. Now my nephew is going through a difficult divorce so I am giving him the “Stay Strong “ band. Thank you Zox for everything you guys do and for the reminder we wear on our wrist of what speaks to our soul.</span>