<span>The strap was gifted to me by a fellow Zoxer when I first found this amazing company. I posted in Zoxlist about being new to the group a couple months ago and how I was struggling with having recently gone through a tough breakup. Of course, after such a thing happens, everyone tells you that "Everything happens for a reason" and that's great to hear the first couple times but hearing it over and over again made it numb and meaningless. However, when I found this beautiful strap I couldn't help but feel connected to the meaning and the story that came with it. I wore this strap every day as a reminder that it was going to be okay and that there was another plan for me. I have come into a new way of thinking about the future and this company and everything you stand for has guided me closer to the path I would like to walk. I can't thank this company enough for everything that you do and the joy that you spread throughout the community that you've created!</span>